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Session recap: Even events need to be measured, says VGM’s Sarah Conger

by: Jeff Rowe

Friday, October 19, 2018

ATLANTA – HME providers are almost always looking for new ways to bring customers and other prospects through their front doors, and many are turning to in-store events.

In the Medtrade session “You’re Invited! Tips, Tricks and Tools for Hosting an Impactful In-store Event,” Sarah Conger, events manager for the VGM Group, shared what providers should have in their toolkit to help execute an impactful event.

HME News: What are the top reasons why providers should consider in-store events?

Sarah Conger: Hosting in-store events is a great way to boost and build brand recognition with current and prospective customers, as well as distinguish yourself from your competition. An event provides you and your team with a chance to connect emotionally with your customers and guests alike.

HME: What are three examples of possible events that providers could host at their stores?

Conger: Product training or demonstrations are a great way of showcasing new or updated product offerings. Customer appreciation events allow you to say “thanks” to your customers and community. And recognition events—a monumental anniversary, for example—help you welcome new people into your store.

HME: What are some of the top things that providers want to make sure they accomplish with their in-store events?

Conger: Make sure whatever you’ve set out to accomplish is achieved. Whether that is to educate your customers or thank them, make sure you can measure success or failure of your event.

HME: If attendees take away one thing from your session, what should it be?

Conger: Plan way ahead. With special event planning, 90% of the work is done in preparation for the event. Be sure to allow adequate time to ensure your next in-store event is a smooth success that leaves a lasting impression on your guests.

Shannon Glaittli